AAF and EDL Exporting for Colorists
Here is a quick howto on exporting AAFs and EDLs from an Avid bin. Disclaimer - This is for colorists, not editors!
Exporting an AAF:
Exporting an EDL:
We should all be using AAFs to make our conform lives easier, but if you need an EDL for a particular piece of software or just want something that is easily read by a human, here you go.
Alternate Software EDL Export
That’s great John, but what if I’m using something else other than Avid?
Here are the methods for EDL exports in Filmlight’s Baselight, BMD DaVinci Resolve, Adobe Premiere Pro, and SGO Mistika in rapid-fire. If you are using anything else… please stop.
Premiere Pro
No matter what the software is, the same rules apply for exporting.
Clean your timeline of unused tracks and clips.
Ensure that your program has leader and starts at an hour or ##:59:52:00
Camera source on v1, Opticals on v2, Speed FX on v3, VFX on v4, Titles and Graphics on v5
Many of us are running lean right now. I hope this helps the folks out there who are working remotely without support and the colorists who don’t fancy editorial or perhaps haven’t touched those tools in a while.
Happy Grading!